
In the heart of South Auckland, nestled between Manurewa, Papakura and the Hunua Ranges Regional Park is the rapidly growing community of Takanini.

Home to over 175,000 locals; 78,000 in the direct Takanini neighbourhood and another 97,000 in Papakura and the surrounding areas. 

our diverse

A more even mix of Moari, European, Asian and pacific island peoples than you will find on average in Auckland, mixed with a higher than average percentage of young families establishing themselves makes us a great place to be a part of.

making the move to takanini?

come be part of our growing family.

the beating

We’re also growing fast!  There’s been a ton of development in and around the Takanini area for the last few years.  Building is so rampant, there were more residential building consents granted in 18/19 than the previous 7 years combined!  And its all high quality builds, with the build value per square metre almost doubling in the last 10 years!

our town

Covering 5.4ha of master planned mixed-use retailers, office space, community hubs, medical services, Takanini Town Centre has been specifically designed for our affluent and growing community. Regionally significant Takanini Town Centre is a unique place.


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